Belgian context

National context

Policy related to AAC in education

There are no existing policies regarding the use of AAC in education in Wallonia and Brussels. 

However, in a document issued in 2018, the CSES (now CSEEBS – Superior Council of Education for Students with Specific Needs) made some recommendations, including the use of AAC tools when a student has communication difficulties to allow them to express their needs or feelings. 

Belgium also signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2009, which “promotes, protects and ensures the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities”, which also applies in the education sector.

Main objectives

Key figures

Few studies have focused on speech difficulties in children, which makes it difficult to evaluate how many children are concerned in Wallonia and Brussels. However, it is estimated that: 

  • 30% of children with cerebral palsy present language and speech difficulties
  • 40% of children with ASD do not develop language
  • 1 or 2 children out of 1000 have verbal dyspraxia

Application of AAC in your country

Mostly reserved to people with severe difficulties and not so easy to implement due to a lack of training and financing.

Other relevant findings

Teachers state that the cost of digital AAC tools is high and that not every school can afford them. The schools that can afford the adequate tools still face financial difficulties regarding logistical matters (internet connexion, etc) and training for the teachers who need to use the tools.

In 2014, the Comity for the Rights of Disabled Persons in Belgium (CRPD) expressed concern about  the fact that most children with a disability are forced to turn to specialised schools because regular schools are unable to accommodate their needs. 


Centre interfédéral pour l’égalité des chances. (2015). Points d’attention sur le respect des droits des élèves en situation de handicap lors de l’élaboration du « Pacte pour un enseignement d’Excellence ». 

Conseil supérieur de l’enseignement spécialisé. (2018). Avis 154 « Pédagogies adaptées ». – Magazine PROF n°57. (n.d.). 

Fonds Houtman. (2022, May 25). Communication alternative et améliorée | Fonds Houtman. 

Gosselain, J., Nader-Grosbois, N., & Bragard, A. (2020). Création d’un dispositif d’information et de sensibilisation pour améliorer les opportunités de communication des enfants (0-12 ans) qui utilisent des systèmes de Communication Alternative Améliorée. UCLouvain. Institut de recherche en sciences psychologiques. 

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Ginie Pellet, Montessori Teacher

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