

Name of the resource




Target audience

Parents, Professionals (teachers, therapists, etc.)


It is a tool designed to facilitate communication for people that have difficulties in the expressive language area or who communicate with the help of pictograms.

It is designed around the following objectives:

  • The program translates words/phrases into pictograms
  • The tool can be used by parents and professionals to communicate easily, anywhere
  • If you register in the app, you can customise the icons with personal images
  • If you are registered, you can save your most used sentences/phrases
  • is intuitive and easy to use for anyone

Pictotraductor uses ARASAAC icons by default.

Its use

On the website you can find a guide to learn how to use the app, but it is in Spanish. 

To translate a word or a sentence into pictograms you just need to type the words on the main screen (in the box provided), and, as you type, pictograms associated with the words will appear. 

Example of a sentence translated into pictograms:

EN: Grandma is going to the shop.

ES: La abuela va a la tienda. 

Translation with Pictotraductor:

Strong and weak points

Strong points:

  • Variety of icons
  • In the app you can customise the pictograms, for example you can apply/add personal images
  • It’s free and accessible to anyone who wants to use it
  • Easy to use and intuitive
  • Can be used anytime and anywhere
  • You can translate texts for students into icons with this resource 
  • For many words you have several icon options to choose from


Weak points:

  • The version is in Spanish, so to get a phrase or word translated into icons, it needs to be written in Spanish
  • You need an internet connection to use it


Romanian Sign Language Dictionary (DLMG)

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